Dragon Fruit Dessert Sauce

Recently I found myself in a Blood Red Dragon Fruit glut, we were having them for breakfast, having them in our lunchboxes for work and having them for dessert.  As fast as we were eating them, they were ripening just as quickly and going a little too soft for my liking.  A restaurant owner friend of mine, who purchases fruit from us, said just make them into sauce. And so our Dragon Fruit Dessert Sauce was born.

I gave it a try and the result, a delicious vibrant sauce that keeps longer than the fresh fruit as well as being super versatile, have it on vanilla ice cream, dress up a slice cake when served, waffles, pancakes, and it even goes into my green tea as a sweetener.

The below quantity made three 1 cup jars, if you don’t have this much fruit to spare, just halve the ingredients. Keeps in the cupboard for a couple of months if sealed, once opened, store in the fridge. Use it to your hearts content.


  • • 3 cups of cut dragon fruit and then mash it
    • 1 cup of caster sugar
    • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • • In a medium saucepan combine the mashed dragon fruit and sugar. Heat the mixture over low heat until the sugar dissolves
    • Increase heat until it comes to the boil
    • Add vanilla extract
    • Continue stirring and boil until sauce becomes thick and syrupy (depending on how juicy your fruit is, this can take anywhere from 10 – 15 minutes) Note: you want it at a thick sauce consistency, be careful not to overdo it as it will become more like a jam
    • Let the syrup completely cool, once cooled place mixture in blender and blend until achieving desired texture
    • Once blended transfer sauce to sterilised glass jars and seal.